It supports local playback, streaming playback with multicast streams and progressive downloads. Items in a playlist can be skipped over temporarily at playback time without removing them from the playlist. mpv version and platform OS: Arch Linux Versions: ~ $ mpv --version mpv 0.29.1 Copyright 2000-2018 mpv/MPlayer/mplayer2 projects built on Tue Aug 6 14:50:47 CEST 2019 ffmpeg library versions: libavutil 56.31.100 libavcodec 58.54.100 li. Facing Spotify waiting to download error? Look for ways on how you can solve it and get rid of it. Spotify contains millions of streaming music online, but it is not available for Serato DJ. If you'd like to import Spotify playlist to Serato DJ, you can follow this helpful tutorial.